The Miraculous Gooseberry!


Published: August 2017

Gooseberry, known as Emblica officinalis in botanical terms, is a wonderful gift from nature. Rich in Vitamin C, gooseberries can balance the three doshas—Vata, Pitta, and Kapha. This significance was acknowledged in Ayurvedic texts over a thousand years ago.

Incorporating gooseberries into your daily diet can lead to youthfulness and longevity, as per ancient wisdom. It is utilized not only in Ayurveda but also in Unani medicine. The entire gooseberry plant—roots, leaves, bark, and flowers—has medicinal uses.

Nutritional Benefits of Gooseberry

Gooseberries are packed with Vitamin C, calcium, phosphorus, iron, carotene, and B vitamins. They also contain health-promoting tannins, flavonoids, ellagic acid, gallic acid, and quercetin. They can be dried and stored for prolonged use.

Nutritional Composition of Gooseberry

  • Moisture: 81.8%
  • Protein: 0.5%
  • Fat: 0.1%
  • Minerals: 0.5%
  • Fiber: 3.4%
  • Carbohydrates: 3.7%
  • Calcium: 50 mg
  • Phosphorus: 20 mg
  • Iron: 1.2 mg
  • Vitamin C: 600 mg

Gooseberries encompass five of the six tastes: sweet, sour, bitter, astringent, and pungent. The sweet taste balances Pitta and Vata. Gooseberries act as a blood purifier and remedy for fever and constipation.

Health Benefits

Immunity Boost

Vitamins A, B, and C in gooseberries enhance immunity. They also help in digestive disorders, nausea, jaundice, eye diseases, and anemia. A teaspoon of gooseberry juice mixed with honey is a potent remedy.

Diabetes Management

Chromium in gooseberries stimulates pancreatic cells to secrete more insulin, thus regulating blood sugar levels and reducing cholesterol buildup in blood vessels, preventing heart attacks.


Gooseberries help lower high blood pressure and ensure the supply of essential oxygen to the body organs.

Eye Health

Consuming gooseberry juice with honey reduces eye disorders and prevents cataracts. Vitamin A in gooseberries improves vision and prevents night blindness.

Skin Health

Regular morning consumption of gooseberries resolves skin issues. Drinking gooseberry juice on an empty stomach helps in reducing unwanted body fat.


Rich in Vitamin C and minerals, gooseberries act as antioxidants, reducing cellular damage and promoting overall well-being.

Constipation Relief

High fiber content in gooseberries aids digestion and prevents constipation.

Hair Growth

Iron, carotene, and other nutrients in gooseberries prevent hair fall, strengthen hair roots, and keep hair black. Additionally, gooseberries help treat asthma, bronchitis, and osteoporosis.

C. Priya, K.S. Gnanalakshmi, M. Abdul Riyas, College of Food and Dairy Technology, Koduvalli, Chennai – 600 052.


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