In India, agriculture and livestock farming are deeply interconnected, much like two sides of a coin. Many farmers in Tamil Nadu keep one or two cows or buffaloes, selling the…
Tamil Nadu leads in cattle farming and production compared to other states. Dairy cattle provide continuous employment and income throughout the year. However, changes in temperature and climate make cattle…
Published in: September 2018 Issue The role of indigenous cattle in reviving traditional farming practices is significant. These cattle not only assist in agriculture by consuming minimal feed but also…
Published: October 2017 Profit in dairy farming largely depends on milk production. For optimal milk production, cows need to be inseminated at the right time. Artificial insemination is now the…
Published Date: August 2017. Due to the monsoon season, dairy cows are susceptible to various diseases. This can lead to reduced production capacity and even death of the cows. One…
Issue Date: May 2017 Based on the prevailing temperature conditions in Tamil Nadu, the period from November to February can be considered favorable not only for livestock but also for…
Cows are a valuable resource for farmers, providing milk and other dairy products. Proper management during the pregnancy period is crucial to ensure the health of both the cow and…
Published in: August 2018 Issue Goats, cows, and other livestock chew their feed partially and then swallow it into their stomachs, where it is further digested through rumination. If the…