TMV 7 Sesame!

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Published in the August 2019 Issue

Sesame has been a significant crop since ancient times. Known for its high oil content, sesame oil is a valuable cooking oil, often referred to as “gingelly oil,” and is also important in the production of medicines and beauty products. Sesame oil cake is used as livestock feed.

The TMV 7 sesame variety, released by Tamil Nadu Agricultural University in 2009, is known for its resistance to root rot disease and high yield potential. It has a growing period of 85-90 days and is suitable for cultivation during Adipattam, Purattasipattam, and Masipattam seasons. It can be grown throughout Tamil Nadu, yielding 300 kg per acre in dryland conditions and 328 kg per acre under irrigated conditions.

M. Jayalakshmi, a farmer who successfully cultivated this variety, shared her experience:

“I am M. Jayalakshmi from Thirumangalam in Lalgudi taluk, Trichy district. I have been cultivating paddy and sesame for many years. Until recently, I used to grow traditional sesame varieties, yielding about 260 kg per acre. During a visit to the Sirugamani Agricultural Science Centre, I learned about new sesame varieties and advanced cultivation techniques, including seed treatment and fertilization. They provided me with TMV 7 sesame seeds through the Primary Demonstration Field Project.

I sowed these seeds in the Masipattam season under irrigated conditions. I treated the seeds with Azospirillum and Phosphobacteria and applied appropriate amounts of nitrogen, phosphorus, and potassium fertilizers. Additionally, I used 2 kg of manganese sulfate per acre and followed integrated pest management practices.

As a result, each plant had an average of 215 pods, with 58 seeds per pod. I harvested 390 kg of sesame per acre, selling it at Rs. 106 per kg, resulting in an income of Rs. 41,340. Compared to the traditional variety, TMV 7 provided a 33% higher yield, earning me an additional Rs. 13,780.

Similarly, nine other farmers in our area have benefited from this variety. Other farmers in my village who observed my successful sesame cultivation are now interested in growing TMV 7 and have requested seeds from me,” she said with happiness.

We encourage all sesame farmers in Tamil Nadu to adopt the TMV 7 variety during the Adi, Purattasi, and Masi seasons to achieve higher yields and better returns.

Dr. V. Dhanushkodi, Dr. K. Amudhaselvi, Dr. Noorjahan, Dr. A. K. A. Hanif, Agricultural Science Centre, Sirugamani, Trichy-639115.


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