Misconceptions About Broiler Chicken and Eggs!


Can you eat broiler chicken from farms? Should you eat farm eggs? These are common questions people face daily.

One of the biggest myths about broiler chickens is that they are injected with hormones to increase their body weight. Let’s first understand what broiler chickens are.

Broiler chickens are a type of poultry raised specifically for meat production. They are a crossbreed designed to gain weight quickly and provide substantial meat with minimal feed. This characteristic is known as the Feed Conversion Rate (FCR), which refers to the efficiency with which the feed is converted into meat and eggs.

Just like vaccines are given to children to prevent infections, chickens are also vaccinated. Similarly, antibiotics are given to chickens to prevent and treat infections like colds, coughs, and respiratory issues. However, contrary to popular belief, individual chickens are not injected with hormones to increase their weight.

Hormone injections are expensive. If each chicken were given hormone injections to increase its weight, the production cost would exceed the selling price. Therefore, broiler chickens are not raised with hormone injections. Instead, genetic selection, nutritious feed, and a healthy environment help chickens gain weight quickly.

Broiler chicken is a protein-rich, affordable food that can be easily purchased and consumed by everyone. Therefore, it is better to avoid spreading misinformation about broiler chicken.

Similarly, one of the major myths about eggs from layer hens is that consuming them causes infertility. The reason given is that since farm hens are raised without mating with roosters, the eggs they produce are supposedly infertile.

The explanation is that layer hens are bred specifically for egg production. Generally, hens and other bird species have the natural ability to lay eggs without mating with a male. A hen does not need to mate with a rooster to lay an egg. The egg-laying process is a natural cycle, and hens continue to lay eggs every few days.

Eggs laid by hens that have not mated with a rooster will not hatch into chicks. Eggs laid by hens that have mated with a rooster will hatch into chicks. Understanding this natural process allows us to enjoy protein-rich farm eggs without concern.

M. Pradeep, S. Divya Priya, M. Muthulakshmi, R. Rajkumar, Department of Livestock Products Technology, Veterinary College and Research Institute, Namakkal – 637 002.


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