CMDDM – The Chief Minister’s Dryland Development Mission!


CMDDM Implemented Activities

  • Water Harvesting in Micro-Watersheds: Implement water harvesting activities in micro-watersheds to improve water availability in dryland regions.
  • Soil Bunds and Farm Ponds: Construct soil bunds and farm ponds on individual farmers’ dryland holdings.
  • Establishing Agricultural Machinery Rental Centers: Set up rental centers for agricultural machinery in rural areas to enhance farm productivity in dryland regions.
  • Increasing Farm Mechanization in Drylands: Establish rental centers for farm machinery and equipment in rural areas, specifically for cultivation in dryland regions.
  • District-Level Machinery Rental Centers: In regions with high agricultural mechanization like Trichy, Thiruvannamalai, and Dindigul districts, set up district-level rental centers for farm machinery and equipment.

These activities are coordinated under the Sub-Mission on Agricultural Mechanization.

  • Setting up Machinery Service Centers for Value Addition: Establish machinery service centers to add value to agricultural produce, with subsidies provided to farmer groups.

These initiatives are part of the scheme to establish value-addition machinery service centers under the National Agriculture Development Programme.


  • 100% Subsidy for water harvesting activities in micro-watersheds.
  • Village-Level Machinery Rental Centers: 80% subsidy or up to ₹8 lakh for establishing agricultural machinery rental centers at the village level.
  • District-Level Machinery Rental Centers: 40% subsidy or up to ₹10 lakh for setting up rental centers at the district level.
  • Machinery Service Centers for Value Addition: 50% subsidy or up to ₹5 lakh per center for value-addition machinery.

Tamil Nadu Agricultural Engineering Department


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