In Tamil Nadu, maize is a vital minor crop cultivated during both the Kharif and Rabi seasons, mostly in arid and manavari regions. Maize is grown on approximately 405,000 hectares,…
Publication Date: November 2018 Parthenium, also known as Congress weed or carrot weed, significantly impacts humans and livestock. Growing up to 1.5-2 meters tall, it was first identified in Queensland…
Publication Date: September 2017 Azolla, a type of fern known for its symbiotic relationship with cyanobacteria (Anabaena), plays a crucial role in enhancing rice yield by maintaining nitrogen levels in…
The pineapple plant (Ananas comosus), rich in manganese and vitamin C, is widely cultivated in tropical regions and is known for its medicinal properties. However, when this crop is attacked…
Pomegranates (Punica granatum), known for their antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties, grow on small shrubs. Rich in vitamins C and K, pomegranate juice is popular among many. However, when these plants…
The litchi tree is a significant fruit tree that thrives in tropical and subtropical regions. It belongs to the Sapindaceae family, and its botanical name is Litchi chinensis. These trees…
Papaya, scientifically known as Carica papaya, is a crucial fruit crop, especially in tropical regions. It is a small tree with fruits rich in Vitamin C and has various medicinal…
The rose plant, a perennial shrub, is cherished for its beautiful blooms in various colors. These roses, adorning both sides of a home, not only enhance its beauty but also…
Castor is a vital oilseed crop due to its simple cultivation methods, drought tolerance, and adaptability to various environmental conditions. Despite accounting for only 3.44% of global oilseed production, castor…
Most of us typically throw all our household waste into a plastic bag and dispose of it in the trash. These bags are then collected by a garbage truck and…
The banana, one of the three main fruits, has been a crucial part of human diet since ancient times. Botanically known as Musa, it belongs to the family Musaceae and…
Water requirements for onion crops depend on the growth stage, soil type, irrigation method, and the age of the crop. Generally, around 30 inches of water is needed for the…
Kamala Orange, also known as "Mandarin Orange" in English, has the botanical name Citrus reticulata and belongs to the Rutaceae family. This fruit is well known for its sweet taste…
Published in November 2017 Paddy is cultivated in 563 districts across India. From sowing to harvest, various pests attack these crops, resulting in a 25-30% loss in yield. Globally, there…
Prosopis Juliflora (Seemai Ilanthai) is widely used in Ayurvedic medicine. Each 100 grams of fruit contains 5.66 grams of starch, 0.34 grams of protein, 0.06 grams of fat, 30.6 mg…
Published: October 2017 "One who possesses a thousand coconut trees is akin to a king," goes an old saying. If there is sufficient water and good soil conditions, coconut farming…
Toor dal is a vital legume crop providing protein and is cultivated on a global scale over 5.62 million hectares, producing 4.23 million tons of toor dal (FAO 2019). Major…
In Tamil Nadu, the Samba season corresponds to the Tamil month of Aadi, meaning paddy sown in August and September and harvested in January and February. During this period, as…
Published in: August 2017 Mangoes rank first among tropical fruits. Originating in South Asian countries, they are now widely cultivated in tropical regions around the world. Southern India continues to…